About me

A picture from one of my favorite places. Bonus points if you can find it on a map.
Short Version
I work at Princeton University as the Director of Research Software Engineering for Computational & Data Science in the Research Computing Department. Basically that means I lead the Research Software Engineering Group.
I’m heavily involved in the US-RSE Assocation currently serving as the chair of the founding steering committee.
I have a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from University of Pennsylvania. An M.S. from Syracuse University, also in Mechanical Engineering and a Bachelor’s in Mechanical Engineering from University of Delaware. It took me a while, but eventually came to the conclusion that I like writing code more than I liked the science or engineering.
I have 3 terrific daughters who keep life entertaining, fulfilling, and exhausting. I like good food (and spending too much at Michelin starred restaurants), audiobooks, lifting weights, and the Philadelphia Eagles.
Long Version
Maybe coming soon (as a blog post)…